AClock 2.1 ---------- AClock is a very small (3092 bytes) background alarm clock. It produces no display but simply waits until the set time before opening a screen size window on workbench and then bleeps the display until you click the left mousebutton. It only uses 13472 Bytes of memory while running. It survives reboot. This archive consists of four programs AClock,AClockGUI showtime and alarm. To install copy AClock and alarm to a drawer on your path eg C: then copy AClockGUI to somewhere you can get to it from Workbench. The add: run <>nil: aclock to your user-startup. If no alarm time is set AClock will simply exit. To set the alarm run AClockGUI and set the desired time using the gadgets. The executable alarm will be run when the alarm goes off. It should be possible to substitute pretty much anything for this file by renaming it alarm and putting it on the path. If you have any problems please feel free to contact me at: Also anyone who knows haw to bypass _main() with dice and can explain it to me in words of one sylable please contact me at the above address. Tim Hanson. in the Basement,London.